Plot Summary Analysis Closing Thoughts Rank Plot Summary A storyline – Chandler takes up (and quits) smoking.B storyline – Monica dates someone who her friends

Plot Summary Analysis Closing Thoughts Rank Plot Summary A storyline – Ross finds out he’s going to be a father with his ex-wife and her

Foreword: As with my soulmationship series where I introduced what I’m doing, I’ll do the same here (i.e. a foreword won’t be present on the

13-ish because there’s a few two-parters in here. First, mandatory disclaimer, this is an opinion and I appreciate any and all people who disagree to
We’re 5 days until the election, so I made this meme. The stress is palpable and the stakes are high, but my breaking point made

The lack of diversity in Friends is an issue. People of Color (POC) are few and far between and in the 10 years and 236

Does that title sound complicated? It is. This isn’t a ranking of season finales, nor is it a ranking of premieres. Essentially, it’s a look

Chandler’s parents suck. I’ve read more than my fair share of articles on Chandler. And some are inflammatory, calling his homophobia the WORST part of Friends, but

Dim-witted characters get taken advantage of… a lot. No where is this truer than with Joey Tribbiani — another tragic figure in the roster of Friends.

Phoebe is a character who lives in the moment. In The One Where Phoebe Runs, she summarizes this perfectly, “[Y]ou don’t care if people are